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3,000+ Brands & Agencies Choose Us

A Complete Ad Library Helps Increase Efficiency
AdsLibrary offer a real-time feed of ads saved by real people, and we capture high quality ads from all platforms. As an advertising integration platform, AdsLibrary save a lot of time in searching ads and improve your working efficiency.

Multiple Ad Ideas
AdsLibrary offer 600k+ ads which contain photos, videos, carousel, etc. And all ads show you various creative ideas which help you a lot to create your own winning ads. Only what you can't think of, not what AdsLibrary can't do.
Start Free TrialComplete Ad Package
Metadate are also be captured to AdsLibrary, such as likes, cta type, display format, categories, platfrom, landing page, etc. Combine these with the videos, photos, you can get the whole ad package reference.
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Keep up with Trends
As we update ads every day,the most newest and creative ideas are integrated into AdsLibrary. Here you can keep up with the trend, get the most valuable advertising, and then make your next higher conversion ads.
Start Free TrialFind Real Competitors
Through the filters such as categories, platform, you can locate the specific type of ads. This will filter down to a list of brands which are the real potential competitor. Then you will learn more about competitor's ad strategy.
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Features of Discovery
AdsLibrary is a purpose-built tool for performance marketers and creatives to complete real work. It's fully functional features make it easier to make winning ideas.
AI Search
Quickly target specific ads by searching for keywords.
Multiple Filters
Search ads by filters like, platform, format, categories, etc.
Active Status
Analyze what competitor ads are working, and for how long.
One-click Save
Save creative ads to your own ad library with one click
Premium Advertising Brands You Can't Miss
AdsLibrary's ad library also offers a wide range of premium ads as well as brands to provide users with more advertising inspiration.
- Where the Ads comes from in Discovery?Ads added to the AdsLibrary includes:
> 1. Those saved from other users on the platform;
> 2. AdsLibrary carefully picked from all platform such as Fb, TikTok and Instagram. - How to see competitor's ads?
Go the "Brands" tab and search for your competitor, you will be able to see any historical or current ads that have been saved by AdsLibrary. Or you can use Ai search to locate your wanted brand.
- How do you ensure the ads are up to date?
We captured newset ads every, you can get newest ideas and follow the newest trend. Also, we track the latest status of the ads, you can see if the ad is still running and how long it is running.
- How to find FB ads?
The platform filter help a lot. If you want to create FB ads and need to refer to only FB ads, just choose FB, and all the showing ads belong to FB. TikTok and Instagram are the same.
- Why AdsLibrary is the best ad tracer tools?
Bots are used by traditional advertising spy tools to create their ad library. Every advertisement on our platform is saved not only by a real human(our user), but carefully picked by our tracing program. And that make AdsLibrary's inspiration library the world's largest and high quality ads' community.